.....I want to be timeless. I want my dreams to be timeless. The only way to change the world is to contribute knowledge. We need to infest the world with knowledge. Only then will we realize that we are all one. We are one soul, one spirit. One species living on one earth.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Why do suicide bombers exist? Some say they are crazy, but they are doing what they believe in and see as right. Just as others may see what we do as crazy and unjust. All we really can do is what we think is right, because what else do we really have? We can all lead our lives differently, no matter what, in the end, we will all die. Sure there might not be anything beyond this, or any purpose to what were doing on earth. But, there also might be. And there is literally nothing we can do to find out which it is. not nothing like we can find out what the answer is if we can pull a few strings with the right people. There is actually no way to know the answer while were here. So, how do we run our lives? The only fulfilling thing you can do in your lifetime is to do what you feel is right in your heart.

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