.....I want to be timeless. I want my dreams to be timeless. The only way to change the world is to contribute knowledge. We need to infest the world with knowledge. Only then will we realize that we are all one. We are one soul, one spirit. One species living on one earth.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Scientific Findings: Ziggy Marley Through the Walls of My Conscious

I hate that my life always needs to be moving somewhere, going somewhere. This thought came into my head and then realized that I was listening to Ziggy Marley's,"People get ready, the trains a comin." How strongly does our subconscious affect our conscious thoughts? I hadnt even thought about or was listening to the music, I was in a different world, but yet the idea leaked through. Just 10 minutes earlier, the thought came through my mind that I really didn't need all my cool personal items. (I'm writing this on a Mac) All I really needed one someone who I really loved. then I came back to real time and the song play was Ziggy Marley's, "All I need is you"

My subconscious mind morphed someone else's abstract work, analyzed it, and turned it into something that effected me. How much of our lives do we unknowingly analyze and turn it into our own? and the Nature/Nurture argument continues.

Thanks spell check.

The Marleys

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