.....I want to be timeless. I want my dreams to be timeless. The only way to change the world is to contribute knowledge. We need to infest the world with knowledge. Only then will we realize that we are all one. We are one soul, one spirit. One species living on one earth.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Thought Clouds.

Why do I feel like I avoid more accidents and am more confident in my driving when I am blitzed and thoughtless than when I am sober and concentrating on every flick in the road. because instead of filling my head with thoughts of different circumstances, I clear it and allow a path for immediate reactions triggered by instinct to drive and avoid danger. Our minds interfere with our instinct.

Are we rational before we over-analyze;
or does it take analysis to become rational?

A Lifetime- Ziggy Marley
Mind Control- Stephen Marley
Survival- Bob Marley

"A single rose can be my garden,

a single friend, my world." Leo Buscaglia

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